Work in progress
The work featured in this release is ongoing, and there might be bugs and some unfinished content.
We've concluded development phase 3, which was primarily concerned with building new maps, writing more story, fleshing out details and making various improvements to artwork and gameplay. Here are the highlights.
Some fancy artwork
First of all, a cover design we did.

New maps
Tiffany and Miguel are going to Hong Kong, but not the place you know from Deus Ex. In these two new locations, you'll quickly learn that the WanChai market we so fondly remember is actually a cordoned off area for the ultra rich. Other parts of the city are not quite as bright and welcoming.
I'll include a few previews here, but otherwise leave you to explore.

Improved faces
I've never been any good at drawing realistic human faces, and I've never made a game texture in vector. So of course, in order to maintain a reasonable scope of work, I committed to stumbling blindly into both of those things. Hundreds of hours later, I've come to understand that highlights, shadows, blush, tiny hairs and miniscule differences in eye shape can make or break a believable face.
It also turns out that higher resolution textures look better. Who'd have thunk?

And as a special bonus, my very first attempt at Miguel's face:

New voices
Since v0.3.0 I've improved the audio compression and the model for some of the voices. Here's a brief history of Miguel's voice:
New music
Our musicians are hard at work making some wonderful noise for our levels. Here are a few samples of their works in progress.
Try out the build, and have fun! If you have any issues to report, comments to make or hands to lend, hop onto our Discord server and say hello!
Machine God - build 0.4.0
New faces
Light spoiler territory
The stuff below will go into the new characters in this chapter
Here we have a few of the people who will be introduced in this part of the story. A mix of new and familiar characters.