Voice acting
The voices in Deus Ex: Machine God are performed by a mix of real voice actors and text-to-speech software. In some cases, the recordings have been altered to better impersonate their respective characters. If you are the owner of one of these impersonated voices and would like us to change something, please get in touch here
JC Denton has decided to merge with Helios, the all-knowing AI managing the international communications protocol "Aquinas", in order to unify mankind through mandatory nanite infusion. You assume the role of recently nano-augmented field operative Tiffany Savage and go on a mind bending journey to sabotage their authoritarian design. How (and if) you choose to do so, is entirely up to you.
Deus Ex: Machine God is a story mod for Deus Ex, the plot being a direct continuation of the main story through the eyes of Tiffany Savage.
Machine God - build 0.4.0
Machine God - build 0.3.0
Machine God - testing
How to install & run
Other story mods
Make sure you don't have any story mods installed directly into your base game folder, as this will cause issues with conversations. Story mods should be in their own separate folders like shown below.
Unpack the MachineGod-*.zip
file into your Deus Ex folder, like this:
- 📁 DeusEx
- ⚙️ DXMG.exe
- 📁 MachineGod
Run the DXMG.exe
launcher to start playing!
Launcher not working for you?
When running without the launcher, make sure you have DXOgg.u
and DXOgg.dll
in your C:\DeusEx\System
folder. Download here: DXOgg.zip.
To run Machine God without the DXMG.exe launcher, run DeusEx.exe with these parameters (change C:\DeusEx
to your install directory):
INI="C:\DeusEx\MachineGod\System\DeusEx.ini" USERINI="C:\DeusEx\MachineGod\System\User.ini"
Set the above as your launch parameters.
Run DeusEx.exe through Wine from a terminal and append the above to the end.
Create a shortcut to DeusEx.exe and use the above in the location field after the C:\DeusEx\System\DeusEx.exe
Found a problem?
Go to our GitLab repo to submit a bug report, or just send us a quick message on Discord.

Created by
Voice Acting
Adam Jensen: Deus Blackheart
Anton Jackson,: FredrikVA
Gordon Quick: Artifechs
Hong Kong extras: FineKone
Jonas: Deus Blackheart
Miguel Montes: GoatScream
Simulation extras: FredrikVA, unfa
Character design & artwork
Logan Felber
Story & world building
Special thanks
Rubber Ducky WCCC
Phase 1
Vandenberg and Tijuana, iteration 1
- Create barracks for staff
- Optional convos with scientists
- Agents to bypass, violently or sneakily
- Convo with Gary and JC, introduce the premise of the story
- Introduce Miguel
Tijuana: Slums
- Create hilly environment, dodgy houses made from sheet metal
- Meet Miguel's mother through a confrontation with the police
- Solicit the help of local gangs to enter the city
- Some NPCs for environmental storytelling
- Create transition scene to sim
Tijuana: Office
- Create corpo environment, a stab at Embracer
- Convos with CEO, ultimately just to mock him
- Introduce Hypnos
- Have a creative way to break out
- Escape sequence onto streets
Tijuana: Streets
- Meet Miguel in an assigned role, help him out of it
- Meet Anton Jackson, an old friend of Miguel's, who can help the player escape
- Populate the streets
- Escape sequence out of sim, alone
Tijuana: Illuminati
- Meet Hypnos and try to convince it to release the others
- Meet Julia, who apologises to the player and takes her to Morgan
- Allow the player to change outfit
- Convos with Morgan and Gary, introducing the premise of the next chapter
- Obtain a new aug, telepathy or possession
- Rooftop convo with Miguel
- Map exit
Phase 2
Vandenberg and Tijuana, iteration 2
- Set flag triggers
- Helped family
- Killed Luis
- Stole Julia's gear
- Helped Anton
- Killed Jacksons
- Make pink the mask color for most textures
- Make sure previously black masked textures are updated
- Update portraits in InfoLink messages
- Gary Savage
- Revamp all character skins in toon style
- Set up automated flow for generating skins
- Integrate Mike's textures
- Integrate Anton Jackson's textures
- Integrate JC/Helios
- Integrate MIB/WIB
- Improve telepathy aug
- Get rid of word salad, just the facts
- Create a "secrets" manager that determines who knows what
- Use outline to highlight relevant characters
- Improve possession aug
- Use outline to highlight relevant characters
- Fix dying after deactivation
- Remove the "outfit changed" prompt
- Fix leather jackets having black coat tails
- Fix jumpsuits having black helmets
- Fix pink masks on suits
- Change "Mike" to "Miguel" after slums
- Launch demo
- Make website
- Package LLC's launcher
- Final playthroughs
- Make announcement
- Improve barracks design
- Entirely new path to lab
- Fix Carla's legs
Tijuana: Slums
- More people
- More pickups
- Mini-missions
- Fix BSP errors in the road
- Fix police killing each other
- Add goals and skill points
- Fix police being too hard for Julia to kill
- Fix Helios TV
- Exclude balaclavas from random humans
- Exclude funny frames and sunglasses from random humans
- Remove couch table from El Coyote's tipi
- Fix black lockers in the border area
- Create nodes for the PCs at the border area
- Add light to border area exit
- Fix hovering house
- Update Luis photos
- Fix blocked tunnel
- Generalise Luis' "fired" trigger
Tijuana: Office
- Expand building interior and remove glass walls
- Escape sequence way longer
- Fix inventory still present on start
- Remove *ugh* at beginning of MeetHypnos convo
- Remove skybox
- Fix vents all moving at the same time
- Fix transitioning sound
- Add goals and skill points
- Fix stairs loop collision
- Fix intersecting doors
- Enable killing Larry Winger
Tijuana: Streets
- More interesting layout in NSF compound
- More difficult to find manhole
- Mini quest to unlock Anton's cage
- Escape through sewer better layout
- Fix manhole bug
- Fix Mike's hiding bark
- Fix exit convo not firing
- Implement new voice lines for random NPCs
- Better startup sound for the train
- Add goals and skill points
- Fix corrupt sound in VA
- Fix exit convo not starting
- Fix vat goal appearing too soon
- Implement new voice lines for Anton Jackson
- Fix bar floor tiles
- Fix subtitle: "if can keep me safe"
- Increase enforcer radius
Tijuana: Illuminati
- More employees
- Make portals omnidirectional
- Larger scale
- Add technicians to the helipad
- Make VTOL
- Julia's apartment
- Environmental storytelling
- Alex' apartment
- Computer, gadgets
- Gain access by reading his mind
- Morgan's office
- Morgan's apartment
- Fix Morgan's legs
- Non-sucky skybox
- New outfits
- Add goals and skill points
- Fix Julia going the wrong way after portal to apartments
- Fix player losing inventory after possessing
- Fix Morgan's question about Anton reappearing
- Give the secretary a few lines
- Fix apartments -> lab portal
Phase 3
Hong Kong, Tiffany's mission
- Fix crash when using ModernConCamera
- Clear mission objectives between missions
- Fix hologram effect
- Create inventory icons for Henosia vials
- Update generic faces with new design improvements
- Fix 3 line dialog being cut off in the subtitles
- Fix skin tones in torso textures
- Update character screen portraits
- Fix label on vent covers
- Update infolink portraits
- Fix Sandra Renton
- Fix white female torsos
- Fix line art on shirt front textures
- Fix hidden Mike in Vandenberg
- Dim down Vandenberg
- Better skybox in slums
- Fix Mike convo camera in slums
- Fix old people in the cartel
- Fix haunted police in the slums
- Update El Coyote skin
- Update Julia Montes skin
- Account for player killing Jackson1
- Improve visibility of Vandenberg parking garage
- Keep Larry's liquor mission after breaking the faucet
- Improve transition to sim
- Fix OverhearMorganGary not playing properly
- Fix inventory not getting entirely removed when going to office
- Fix frobbing Alex first breaking flow
- Make outfits disappear upon frob
- Replace Helios TV in slums
- Fix wooden planks in the abandoned house
- Add meelee weapon to Vandenberg
- Fix Julia last bark being played too soon
- Add tech bot to Illuminati nano lab
- Change FullscreenColorBits to 32
- Add Logan's music
Intro dream sequence
- Turn player into a kid
- Add transition to awake state
Hong Kong: North Street
- Tavern
- Exit: MTR
- Exit: Triad compound
- Simpler Helios screen
- Hide Gordon Quick better
- Hide the drug dealer better
- Decker Parkes rescue mission
- Iris skin
- Decker skin
- Erin skin
- Wayne skin
- Gordon skin
- Make someone talk about wanting to go to Wan Chai
- Fix ambient light
- Shorter intro infolink
- Give players more of a chance to hear the triad soldier convo
- Get Miguel back in the story
- Create male+female triad soldiers
- Create intro sequence
- Complete the hideout
- Random voice lines for people in tea restaurant
- Fix Decker's seat
- Fix Decker pressing fingerprint scanner
- Shop signs
- Voice acting
- BartenderGiveQuest
- BartenderShop
- BumMale1Barks
- BumFemale1Barks
- BumFemale2Barks
- GordonQuickBarks
- MeetBartender
- MeetDrugDealer
- MeetGordonQuick
- OverhearBums
- OverhearDeckerBartender
- OverhearTriadSoldiersStreet
- RandomFemale
- RandomMale
Hong Kong: Triad Compound
- Evidence that they killed the PM when he refused to cooperate
- Evidence and reason that they're developing Henosia
- Prevent player from leaving Tong's office until they dropped their weapons
- Skybox
- Exterior guards
- Better construction chute
- Loot in empty rooms
- More excuses to use the new augs, lockpicks and multitools
- Finish the kitchen
- Make Paul Denton skin
- Make Tracer Tong skin
- Turn lions into dragons
- Find out why boxes don't stack under the vents
- Fix Paul room vent cover UVs
- Fix guard bath vent opening the wrong way
- Fix dining hall door UVs
- Add ways for players to discover Tong's office code
- Add ways for players to discover Tong's computer login
- Improve MeetTracerTong bit
- Voice acting
- OverhearTriadSoldiersExterior
- OverhearTriadSoldiersGarden
- TriadSoldierMaleBarks
- TriadSoldierFemaleBarks
- OverhearScientists
- ScientistFemaleBarks
- ScientistMaleBarks
- MeetTracerTong
Gassed dream sequence
- JC as teenager
- Platforming puzzle to get basketball down from a tree
- Transition to Helios and credits
Phase 4
Hong Kong, Adam's hub
- Update skin export scripts to new structure
- Make Escape key invoke a menu during credits
- Add a drop shadow to the log window
- CarcassProxy becomes an empty inventory item
- Fix double pink entries in indexed colour palettes generated by bright.exe
- Fix intro playing again
- Ensure players keep their augs, inventory and skills when swapping characters
- Make PlayerPawn.Possess() work and use it with the possession aug
- Remove keypad in Vandenberg
- Fix vent clipping through in Vandenberg, same spot
- Add crowbar to office sewer exit
- Hide the capsule UI
- Decker keeps saying "load up" every time something is picked up
- Set flag when player kills any triad soldiers
- Fix being able to multitool your way right into seeing Quick
- Make NSF characters react if the player gets in
- Fix drug dealer still talking after you know his info
- Add generic barks to drug dealer
- Fix being able to mix responses in Tong's office
- Improve compound skybox
- Return player to dialogue choices after picking "my dad saved your life"
- Redo Tracer Tong's lines
Side quests
- Sabotage triad scramblers
- Autonomous MTR subplot
- Turns out to be an AI
- Purpose is to enforce good behaviour
Hong Kong: Mong Kok
- Exit: MTR
- Exit: NSF hideout
- Exit: Night club "Vongott"
- Exit: Temple street?
- Adam and Iris' flat
- Adam's dossier text
- Photo of Kubrick
- Fence
- Pharmacy
Hong Kong: NSF Hideout
- Include comment about Anton Jackson
- NSF hideout as a brothel
Phase X
The final development stage
- Dialogue cleanup